Join the Team
We’re always looking for dynamic new "team members" to help with retail operations in our Bridgeport, CT, headquarters.
Duties includes staffing the showroom (both in-person and virtually, through phone, email and chat), helping ship and receive product, plus potential extracurricular work related to web development, promotions, and marketing.
If the role sounds amorphous, it’s because it is. We have some core responsibilities we need help with, and we can build the rest of the job around the right candidate(s).
Retail experience is not necessary, but we do require a motorcycle endorsement, and at least basic knowledge of—and genuine enthusiasm for—the gear we curate and support. Full product training will be provided.
Local-ish, and interested? Or know someone who is? We are now accepting part- and full-time applications.
No phone calls, please. Instead send an outline our your interest and a resume to