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How To Buy A Helmet In The Time Of Corona

How To Buy A Helmet In The Time Of Corona

We’re proud of the proven 5-star helmet shopping experience we’ve developed over the years, but we realize not everyone can or will make it to Union Street for a professional fitting. 

In a bid to extend our helmet shopping program to an online audience (whether said audience is across town or across the country), we’re working on an evolving new set of protocols to guarantee both sublime satisfaction with your new helmet, and peace of mind with the process to get there.

Here’s a transparent point-by-point breakdown of our new helmet program—from a new online consultation form, to how we’re sending out free tailor’s tapes to ensure an accurate measurement, to how we’re handing returns. Plus, we’ve got an inside line how to properly clean your helmet to protect you from you-know-what.

// The Tale of the Tape
Our first step with anyone shopping for helmets is to always—always!— take a fresh measurement on the spot. No matter what size someone thinks they are, or insists they are, we measure, every time. It’s not uncommon to have to break the news to someone that their current helmet is one or even two sizes too big.

If you can't make it down to the store for a proper in-person fitting, we'll be glad to send you a free tape measurer after you fill out our online consult form.


// Please fill this out. The Doctor will see you shortly
When someone comes in for a helmet we don’t just pull the boxes down and toss them on the counter by the cash register. We don’t just measure you, either.

As we’re getting a reading with the tailor’s tape we’re also surreptitiously scoping out the shape of your melon, asking a battery of questions designed to suss out a personal helmet history, riding style, budget, and general “New Helmet Day” hopes and dreams.

We’ve launched an online Helmet Consultation Form to jumpstart the process. Fill out this quick questionnaire and we’ll follow up with specific model and sizing recommendations.


// Take a Deep Breath, and Don’t Cough…

Just as we wouldn’t allow anyone to try on boots without socks, we now require fresh socks for your head, too. We now require a nominal $7.50 deposit for a super-thin helmet gaiter for trying on helmets. The cost will be waived entirely with the purchase of a helmet. We will also provide a free surgical mask to wear underneath. 

*A recent study suggest pantyhose worn over simple cloth and non-N95 masks up to 50% more effective. We’re skipping the bank-robber pantyhose getup and sending you home with a functional piece of kit: a simple black nylon neck/head covering. It'll keep your future helmet from getting funky on long trips, wicks sweat away in the summer and keeps you warm in the winter. And if you buy a helmet, it's free


This all sounds nuts, and it is, but here we are! We've got some of the best helmets in the world and love sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm in getting customers properly outfitted. Start the process today — we're here to help.


If you have any questions about helmets, concerns about the process, or need to speak with a Union Garage team member, please reach out by phone at (718) 594-7093, by email at support@uniongaragenyc.com, or use the Chat feature hovering over on the right-hand side of this page.   >>>>